Wednesday, October 19, 2011


This blog has been quiet for a couple of years now. Thought I would stop by and say hello. Is anybody still out there?


  1. ... i am.
    i waited for days to see if anyone would comment on this post. is it strange that i feel embarrassed writing this?

  2. I'm here too! I think we need some more memoirs up in here...but maybe this is one of those I need to be the change sort of deals.

  3. This is just two days shy of being A FULL YEAR LATER, but I came back to see some of the stuff we posted back in 2009 and found that you guys might still be out there and willing to share and chat. I have been trying to get back into writing, and I'd love to see what this blog could do to strengthen those of us who still want to be writers in one fashion or another.
